Sunday morning worship is central to the life of Erindale and is lead by Rev. Geoff Ross. We are constantly working toward making our worship family-friendly and inclusive. We are conscious about the language we use & the music selections we make so that all are able to participate meaningfully.
Most weeks children are present in worship for the first part only, and then after a “Story for all ages”, they make their way to Children’s Church.
Our church and choir is very blessed to have the leadership of Katya Khatsko as our Music Minister and Choir Director. God has given Katya an amazing talent and we feel truly blessed that she shares it in worship. Choir practices Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m. and newcomers are always welcome to come out for a week or two or stay for longer! The group comes on Thursdays to practise, however, they always leave feeling more refreshed and energetic than when they came in. Come and let the music rejuvenate your spirit.
We celebrate Communion generally on the first Sunday of the month, excluding July and August. Our table is open. Anyone who loves God a little and longs to love God more is welcome to come, share, and celebrate at the table of our Lord.
We celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism whenever the opportunity arises. Infants, Children and Adults alike are welcome to receive this special blessing through the waters of baptism. Our Minister will meet with you/your family to discuss the meaning of baptism before moving forward.