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We are a progressive Christian Community in the Heart of Mississauga

Who we are

Formed in 1960 in the heart of Mississauga, Erindale Presbyterian Church (EPC) is a diverse, joyful, and compassionate family of faith who care deeply for one another.  We are made up of thoughtful people who take their faith seriously, and who seek to live it out at home, at work, and in their neighbourhoods.  Welcoming, embracing, and valuing ALL in the name of Jesus is at the heart of who we are.


Erindale is a progressive community of faith located in the heart of Mississauga. We are a family of God who seeks to grow in faith, hope and love; seeking to respond to God’s nudge to be transformed by Spirit.   We support one another, while making a difference in one another’s lives – and our world – in the name of Jesus.

Worship is welcoming, musical, joyful and Spirit led!


Whether you are new to the area, new to the faith, or rediscovering your church background, we are here for you!


When you walk through the doors at Erindale you are not walking through the doors of your customary Sunday morning church, rather, a place that is filled with the joyful energy of a people whose primary goal is to represent the love of God as shown in Jesus.


We are a flourishing faith community, who is committed to growing in faith by sharing with and loving others.


Come see for yourself what God’s Spirit is doing here at Erindale by joining us in person this Sunday at 10 am. The service is also livestreamed and can be watched on YouTube.


We are a part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (


We are a vibrant and joyful community of compassion, hope and faith located at 1560 Dundas Street West in Mississauga.  Come, for you will find roots, place and belonging in this family.


Erindale Presbyterian Church meets

on the traditional territory of the Mississaugas:

For many thousands of years the Mississaugas sought to walk gently on this land.  They offered assistance to the first European travellers to this territory and shared their knowledge for survival in what was at times a harsh climate.  We seek a new relationship with the Original Peoples of this land, one based in honour and deep respect.

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