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Residential Schools









Equity and Inclusion

At Erindale we are constantly seeking to grow in faith and in our understanding of what it means to be followers of The Way of Jesus.  In 2019 the Erindale congregation officially made the decision to work toward becoming a fully Inclusive Church.  We are not perfect, but we continue the journey.  As we know better, we do better.  


We have a Equity and Inclusion Team who is learning and growing in their awareness as well as sharing with the congregation how we as individuals and as a congregation can be increasingly Equitable and Inclusive.  Below we recommend a number of resources for reading and reflection.  


Erindale Presbyterian Church

is a congregation of

The Presbyterian Church in Canada

We are an Affirming Congregation


A number of years ago Erindale adopted this Purpose and Values Statement:

As a fully inclusive and open-hearted congregation,
we are joyfully gathered around the presence of Jesus Christ

& guided by the Holy Spirit, as we: Grow in faith,

Worship in community, Share in mission & seek social justice,
Provide pastoral care and prayer, and live life’s deepest questions
so that we might live into the will of God for us in this time and place.


We at Erindale affirm and celebrate all who are a part of our faith family including our 2SLGBTQIA+ siblings.  We are learning, working, and are committed to becoming a church where all are welcome and where we actively work against homophobia, transphobia, heterosexism, and the harm they cause.   

Erindale is home to people who represent a wonderful diversity of faith and spirituality.  Even in our differences, we pray we can all agree that ensuring the safety and well-being of every person in our congregation, from harm, is essential.  


If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please email or talk to your Elder or contact the church at or 905-277-4564.


Erindale's Ministries



re:  anti-Black Racism

This is not an exhaustive list of resources.  If you have recommendations, please email the church office. 

This list is periodically updated.


Growing in awareness:



Articles and Websites:




Movies & Videos:

  • coming soon

Recommended LGBTQ2+

Inclusion Resources

This is not an exhaustive list of resources.  If you have recommendations, please email the church office. 

This list is periodically updated.


Adult Books - Non-Fiction

  • Shameless: A Sexual Revolution by Nadia Bolz-Weber

  • Does Jesus Really Love Me? A Gay Christian's Pilgrimage in Search of God in America by Jeff Chu

  • In the Shelter by Padraig O’Tuama Podcasts

  • Blue Babies Pink (a coming out story from an evangelical Christian man)

  • Un-Erased: The Story of Conversion Therapy in America




Picture Books​






Adult Books -- Fiction


Video:  God is love











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